Portable Folding Mitre Bench
First let me tell everyone in the building community that it is my pleasure to have this opportunity to communicate and share one of my creations.
I have been a carpenter for 30 years. That said, I have been using power mitre saws for 30 years.
Through all these years, day in and day out, I have come up with every cockamaimy manner of supporting lumber during a cross-cut procedure. Some of the techniques that I have employed may have been unique to myself, many other balancing acts were probably very similiar to your wack-a-doo set-ups.
But for some un-explainable reason, I could never be satisfied by utilizing my jig saw case to hold up the other end of the 1 x 8. Not a day would pass where I would not find myself repeating the mantra –
There — has — got — to be —
a — better — way.
If you are wondering where or how I came up with the design for this baby,
all I can tell you is this: I traded a ton of precious hours of sleep for all of it. Every single significant engineering detail that came to me, came to me between the hours of 12 midnight and 6 am.
I litterally tossed – and – turned – through every part of this sucker. And, boy did it ever pay off this time.
This bench is as sturdy as a bench with fixed legs. I am not joking. It is rock solid. That is the one aspect that I obsessed over. I am very proud of all of the engineering that went into it.
It’s made out of spruce furring strips from Home Depot, and glued together with PL Premium. All of the hardware is stainless steel and aluminum.
There is only one problem. It’s built like a brick shithouse. Why is that a problem? Because it also weighs as much as a brick shithouse. Which leaves me in search of a flamboyant tool collector that wouldn’t think twice about cutting me a hefty check in order to add this bad boy to his ‘Wait ’til all of my buddies get a load of this one!’
Until nextime…
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Wow, that is fantastic! I sure would love to have a plan to make one myself.
Thanks for sharing this,