I do quite a bit of remodeling and termite work, and I’ve found that my most valuable tool is my headlamp, purchased at a local sporting goods store. It’s simply an encased bulb with a reflector fixed to an elastic strap that fits around the head. A separate battery pack attaches to my belt, and a small cord connects the two. It uses four penlight batteries and is very compact.
Before I thought of using this amazing gadget, I had to devote one of my hands to carrying a flashlight whenever I went under a house to do inspections. If tools had to be carried, I would be limited to half my capacity.
No more training clamp lights or droplights on job areas; no more shadows to fight with. All I have to do now is look at what I want to work on and it’s illuminated.
I got my headlamp from the REI Co-op. For their catalog, write Box C-88125, Seattle, Wash. 98140.
Alan Forbes, Oakland, CA