The next time you have to affix electrical boxes to stud framing for switches or outlets, try using the jig shown in the drawing to position the boxes. I make the jig out of a strip of 3/4-in. by 3/4-in. pine. Two pairs of 4d nails driven through the stick correspond to the threaded holes in the boxes. To use the stick, position the boxes over the nails and place the stick on the floor adjacent to the stud. Now you can nail the box to the stud, and the height will be right every time.
—Santo A. Inserra, Jamestown, NY
Edited and Illustrated by Charles Miller
From Fine Homebuilding #53
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And since we have the NEC and the IRC wouldn't it have been nice to fill in the height for each as the distance up from the floor? I don't believe every building dept has its own rule of thumb.
It appears the front of the box would not be flush with the surface of the sheetrock or whatever will be used over the wall framing.