A push for more near-zero energy homes
Voluntary Department of Energy program promotes and supports energy-efficient design and construction
Buildings consume more energy than any other sector of our economy. In an effort to influence the energy efficiency of new-home construction, the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy office of the Department of Energy (DOE) has created Builders Challenge, a voluntary program promoting the construction of 220,000 highly efficient homes by 2012.
The DOE’s ultimate goal is to influence the building industry enough so that net-zero energy homes—homes that produce as much energy as they consume—will be affordable and available in every state by 2030.
Some 50 builders in 22 states are already participating in the program, which provides in-depth technical support in a broad range of building-technology areas that relate to energy-efficient design and construction.
To learn more about the program’s features and to discover what current participants are doing to approach net-zero energy use, visit www.eere.energy.gov and search for Builders Challenge.
Photo: Courtesy of General Electric