How to Make a Drain-Pipe Plans Holder for Your Truck
How do you keep construction documents from getting buried under piles of tools and materials in your truck? Chuck Miller shows a couple of super-easy ways to fit a simple storage space for plans into any pickup.
Neal Bahrman from Ventura, CA writes:
Storage space of any kind is a rare commodity in my little pick-up truck, so I considered it a windfall to discover a hollow niche behind the seat that’s just right for stashing a few sets of plans out of the way. I stacked three pieces of 3-in. plastic conduit atop one another, and tied them together with tie-wire. On the passenger side, the conduits are capped. I strapped the conduits in place with an elastic chord wrapped around the seat framework, and voila—no plans rolling around inside the cab.
In the video, we updated the trick for newer models using Velcro to attach drain pipe to the carpet underneath the backseat of your crew-cab truck.