Schluter-Made Mortar
This line of thinset mortars is specifically made for use with Schluter waterproofing and uncoupling membranes.
Schluter’s waterproofing and uncoupling membranes are a popular choice for both occasional and professional tile setters. The assemblies are reliable, time-tested, and relatively easy to install. The only potential hangup is knowing what thinset to use. Now there’s no guessing, as the company recently introduced its own line of thinset mortars specifically made for use with Schluter waterproofing and uncoupling membranes. The products include Schluter SET unmodified thin-set mortar ($24 white, $21 gray), Schluter ALL-SET modified thin-set mortar ($41 white, $38 gray), and Schluter FAST-SET rapid-setting modified thin-set mortar ($71 gray). The best part is that you can also call the company for advice on choosing the right thinset to use for any project.