Contemplating Building-Science Education
The Kansas City BS and Beer discussion group invited Christine Williamson and Justin Fink to brainstorm how to bring building science to the masses.
The Kansas City BS and Beer discussion group invited Christine Williamson, of @buildingsciencefightclub and Fine Homebuilding Builder-at-Large Justin Fink to talk about building science from an educational perspective—particularly how best to teach and inspire more people to incorporate building science into how they build or remodel houses.
There’s a lot at stake when choosing the details that go into any construction project, and change can be a scary thing, so it’s understandable that many architects and builders are not quick to adopt new materials, building assemblies, and mechanical systems. A strong support network of peers, educators, manufacturers, and researchers is essential if we want building science to become mainstream, and the collaborative community that Justin, Christine, and our audience members are part of continues to be a driving force for change. Watch as we talk about ways to keep the momentum going so more and more people get to live in comfortable, durable, healthy homes.
Image: Bauthermografie & Luftdichtheitsprüfung on Wikimedia Commons