Make Sturdy Post Connections
Use galvanized threaded rods to stabilize the rail posts at the bottom of deck stairs.
I recently built a deck and used a pair of 1⁄2-in. galvanized threaded rods to stabilize the rail posts at the bottom of the stairs. This method with nuts and washers on both sides of the stringers creates a rock-solid post connection and uses easy-to-find, inexpensive hardware.
— Steve Beese; Winston-Salem, N.C.
From Fine Homebuilding #305
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This tip shows a 4x4 notched to accept a 2x. At the point of maximum stress, the 4x4 is only 2" thick.
Most people knowledgeable about installing guard posts recommend against notching, for example,
In addition, the 2021 IRC explicitly prohibits notching 4x4 guard posts.
You can find additional methods of securing posts at the bottom of stair stringers here:
A video we did about 5 years ago
And a similar threaded rod method on the last page of this article from 2014