FHB Podcast Segment: Masonry Chimney Care 101
The team chats about masonry chimneys and why regular chimney inspections are so important in this FHB Podcast Segment.
In episode 645 of the Fine Homebuilding Podcast, John from Brooklyn wonders how concerned he should be about his masonry chimney that hasn’t been inspected in almost 40 years. He wants to know if he needs a professional to take a look at it, and if he does, what kind of professional that would be. The team advises John contact a certified chimney sweep to inspect the chimney. But they also note that an energy auditing or building science firm could be helpful if a chimney sweep isn’t available. Additionally, the team emphasizes the importance of regular chimney inspections, especially in older homes. Tune in to the full episode, or watch the video above to see what other recommendations the FHB team has for John.
Listen to the Full Episode
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