Co-founder and supervisor at Big Dog Construction Inc. in Grand Manan, New Brunswick, Canada
With his first career in the military leading him to become a construction tech, Aron has been a teacher and mentor to apprentices in the carpentry trade for many years. Receiving his Carpentry Red Seal in 2002, Aron has always endeavored to build better whenever possible. He has a true passion for building science and strives to help others understand it so that the industry as a whole can become better. He features all of his hands-on experience on his social media platforms for anyone to learn from. Aron co-founded International Flashing Awareness Day in 2021, an annual Instagram event to demonstrate why flashing is important to a building and what happens when it is not installed or used properly. He is co-host of BS* and Beer Canada every month online. One of Aron’s favorite sayings is, “I like to be the dumbest guy in a room full of BS* people.”(*Building Science)