Hi Folks,
Is it acceptable to use 2 1/2 inch 16 ga. stainless finish nails for exterior trim (3/4 pre primed)? I am a homeowner working on an old barn. Since I work solo, I try to use my nailer as much as possible. 🙂
Still want the trim to stay on the barn though…
Finish nails?
Hmm. Two yesses and a no. Can you elaborate on why not? Thanks.
Yes, now you have 3 y's and 1 no.
They don't have enough holding power that is required for exterior trim. Sure, you can pin some small trim, but generally you will be asking for trouble down the road.
No, I use a 15 ga. nailer just to hold 3/4" facia up temporarily. I either use 8d galvanized nails or stainless steel finish screws. You could use a framing nailer to nail the barge boards, filling the depressions with painters putty is easy enough.I use a 15 ga. all the time for other trim, such as door and window trim.
See? I know nothing.
Do your trim with finish nails. Live and learn...
Whatever, Qtrmeg. Don't know why you are so testy, but I appreciate you taking the time to respond to my question in any case. It helped. Just using the nailer to tack it up there makes working solo easier, and I don't mind going back and hand nailing one bit. Thanks all.
[email protected]
That was testy? For me?
Lol, hey, I am one opinion among a thousand here, and I can't remember ever being right. I just didn't want you to nail your ext trim with finish, and I hope you don't. My opinion, and it was free. Bunch of ways to lose the hose, but you didn't ask that. Or did you? I read these things FAST, I might haved missed that.
But I hear ya, I am a smart arse, sorry. I know it, and I know the crowd wants everything to be sweet and happy. I say less=people are happy. Hmm, sounds like a plan, I must have deleted 5 posts for this one today.
It's a win win, I don't need the crap either.