I have a two stall garage built sometime in the 40’s.
Small by today’s standards , about 20 x 20.
I have limitations to how much square foot I have remaining to add as I live on an aquifer.
So, I can add about 400sqft as an addition, then a second floor on the entire structure.
My issue right now is how can I determine if my foundation could take the second floor load. Do I dig down to see how deep and if it has a footing?
Thank You
I doubt that there''s much of a foundation at all. Probably no more than a stack of rocks. If it's a frame structure the best approach would be to just tear it down and start all over.
Probably right... but I was going to dig down beside the foundation and see if I can have a look.
It is a formed foundation with anchor bolts. This is an old heavy lumbar garage.