I have an exterior door that opens to a landing halfway up a flight of stairs. The landing’s floor is currently 3/4″ ply under 1/4″ underlay, on top of which is vinyl tile.
The vinyl tile doesn’t suit me one bit. But the door’s sweep already drags across the floor. If I increase the depth, I’d have to cut down my door, and I’m not sure I care to do that.
Do you figure I could get away with laying ceramic directly on the 3/4″ subfloor?
Edited 11/21/2007 2:47 pm ET by Biff_Loman
Do you figure I could get away with laying ceramic directly on the 3/4" subfloor?
The winning answer is "maybe".
What's under the ply? How big is the landing?
The problem is deflection, with a stair landing it is probably a small area so less span = less deflection.
Can you see what's under it and maybe beef it up if needed?
More info required.
Joe H
Landing is 3' x 4', supported by 2x6s on 16" centers. Sistering them to reduce deflection is absolutely not a problem. I have no idea if that's necessary though.
For the small price of a few 4' 2x6s you can be safe rather than sorry.
I would run them between the existing joists so you have 8" centers.
Joe H
Kerdi Ditra first.
[email protected]
Hey, good thinking. I should see if I can grab an off-cut from the local tile place. I'm on good terms with them.
Schluter Kerdi is waht I meant.[email protected]
2x6's @ 16"o.c. for a 3' or 4' span is WAY plenty of support under the 3/4 ply. No worries on deflection; you'd be wasting your time sistering..OTOH, Ditra is cheap insurance if you can get a small piece.. BTW, for all who are interested, HD now sells Ditra in small quantities, as well as other schluter products. I suspect Kerdi isn't far behind..If you can't get the Ditra, just use a good modified thinset, stick 'em down to the plywood and fuggetuboutit.ALSO btw, TEC has a new de-coupling thinset that's supposed to restrain up to 1/8" cracks...here: http://www.tecspecialty.com/product_detail.asp?prodId=133From the site: "..IsoLight is a lightweight, 1/8" crack isolation mortar that protects tile from substrate cracking and exceeds ANSI A118.4 and ANSI A118.11 shear bond specifications."I'd probably use it for situations like yours.
This is great stuff, guys. God I love this forum.That might very well be tomorrow's project. This whole unemployment thing isn't so bad, as long as you already have all the materials out in the shed. :P
Ditra is actually what I meant. trying to catch up..............[email protected]
Waaaaa???? Head explodes. . . !!!Nah, just kidding. Kerdi is for showers, Ditra is for floors; looks kinda like orange delta. Like I said, I love this forum!
The issue is not the 3/4 ply its a question of how secure and tight the existing floor is.
If you have alot of give or the floor sags thats a problem. Ceramic tile is typically not all that heavy. 3/4 inch ply is a good subfloor as long as its solid and level.