7/8 Clear stone under spread footing
I have a cottage that is on piers directly butting up to a newer addition with a full Permanent Wood Foundation basement.
I’m in the process of jacking and supporting the old pier building and having a block layer come in and pour a stip footing and lay a full height block basement wall to support the old section.
My plan was to mimic the design of the PWF foundation which is a clear stone base of about 8-12″ under the entire basement including the footings. My block layer is pointing to building code here in Ontario Canada saying code stated footings on undisturbed soil or compacted granular base. it does not state that clear stone is acceptable.
If I were to place the footing on native soil and do a conventional weeping tile for the block portion, the water collected there would be at a higher elevation than the gravel base under the wood foundation. It’s likely that all the water from the block part would flow towards the wood foundation gravel base and out that way. Water flowing towards the PWF is not what we want.
If I have the clear stone base under all footings draining to daylight then there is no issue.
Anyone have experience with this?