Take out bathroom door put in new one, 3 hours?????.
Order door, We have no HDepot here everything is one week for doors and all windows, Well maybe 2 to 3 weeks for a window.
call lumberyard door in , Great go take out bathroom door.
Go to lumberyard, But cant take pickup as its raining, unload Ford Explorer, drive there helper loads prehung door.
bring it to job , carry it in other side looks like it was used as a sled,all scratched up, NO GO lady mad now, bring it back OK 3 days to get another.
Go back put old door in {lady is kinda funny about wanting a bathroom door}.
Go do another small job and start another SNAFU.
Wait 3 days get door looks good.
Load it up see lumberyard kid carried it out with greasy gloves marked the heck out of a pretty birch door.
Spend an hour trying to get this grease off.
Set door wall off 3/4 of an inch out of plumb.
Split a difference and work the strike plate to make work.
Lady asks could i light stain the door, sure carry it out , stain it, leave, wind blows sawdust all over door with wet stain. wipe it down stain again now i see 2 more grease stains from that SOBs gloves i missed.
Now the lady says why does it take you so long just to put one door in??? Someone told her its a 3 hour job.
And people wonder why i dont mind roofing.
I left out more i just cant stand to write it down, To make money at these small jobs is not that easy.
Think about what its like to work where there are no big box stores, Everytime you get something you have a kid grabbing the worst one to send to you.
Rant over at least im my own boss>G<
I won't ask how much you made doing it as I know and THATS why I hate those small jobs as what you decribed was my daily story!
Some guys make it look easy and the flow is just there. Not me either so don't feel bad.
set your own hours
that's why I like my local yard. If I got a door like that, they'd make it right. Even after I installed it.
""Someone told her its a 3 hour job.""
respond to that with :
Oh thats Biblical time, like the 7 days it took to create the universe.