Help! our toilet flushes ok on the first flush (sometimes we have to hold the handle down until the flush is complete).
On the next flush (after the tank refilling has stopped), the toilet doesn’t flush. Then we have to use the plunger to get the flush complete. After plunging, it once again flushes ok on the first try but not on the second flush.
Why is it ok on the first flush but not the second?
Drain the bowl with a vacuum or sponge and use a mirror and flashlight to look up at the trap. I've found toy mirrors, lemonade cans, lightbulbs and Hot Wheel cars stuck up there and creating just the conditions you describe.
My guess is that the line is clogged down the way several feet. The first flush goes OK because the line is empty, but the second flush encounters a full line and is "half-hearted".
You need to snake out the line.