I saw this in an add and looked on the internet. Seems to be the smallest backhoe Kabota has and I also read all the different attchments it carries. The used price was 11,000 in mint condition. Dont have a year model yet because I was wanting to ask “will it dig? “
Tim Mooney
I heard WAHD say that he'll be glad to try it out and let you know.
Excellence is its own reward!
I think they look like toy tractors. I also think I saw one today in a garage ! Yep, right beside their car and the truck was parked out side. They sell a finishing mower and all kinds of attachments for it. I need the front end pretty bad and I thought it was a pretty cheap option.
Wait till Boss gets here to hear us talking this color of a tractor!~
Tim Mooney
The guy who usually does my excavation has 3 excavators; a Cat 235 (big), a medium sized Case, and a little Kabota, that, while it won't out dig the other two, is a strong and tough and reliable little machine that is a pleasure to run....and it's fast.
From what I've seen, Kabota equipment is top notch.
Hi Tim,
I auditioned a new B20 (loader and hoe) several years ago. The dealer wasn't happy when I called for him to come out and pick it up. Didn't have much power, for digging or even dragging its sorry a$$ around. I ended up with a different compact tractor and fabricated a mount for a Ford hoe. Spent half the money and got a MUCH better combination. Nothing against Kubotas in general, they work fine, but that B20 was way underpowered. Had to use low range just climbing my driveway! Drive it before you buy.
PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
Thanks for the response .
The reason I questioned the tractor in the first place was the size. I thought if the bucket was small it might help , but this is Arkansas and we are famous for rock in my area . I would assume that for Lousianna or Florida for two examples that the small tractor would work better. Im trying to answer my self arent I? I plan on talking to some locals that have small tractors , but this site has been great to answer different questions Ive had before so quickly.
Tim Mooney
You're welcome.
I guess you know you could get a decent full-sized hoe for that money? Not 4x4, of course, but unless you live on a mountain like I do, may not be necessary. They come with loaders that will do a bit more than a compact too.
Don't know that tractor. The B20 specs are gross hp 20, 3700 lbs with loader and hoe. Weight's right, almost as much as I run, but the engine was seriously wimpy. The extra 5 hp I have was quite noticeable. Another factor, I bought a geared transmission. B20 was hydrostatic, which eats more power.
I bought my hoe when the electric coop wanted $13+k for the trench alone to bring in power here. I probably should have bought a full-sized hoe. Now I find it extremely convenient sometimes to have a small tractor, but I have different needs. Probably you don't run a tractor on a roof. Landscaping in established gardens is another.
Clearly, the first step is to define what you want to do with it, like any tool. Then figure out which machine will suit your needs. Happy hunting! PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
I had a opportunity to play on one when I bought my new M-120 Kubota and for a small machine you get what you pay for. I will say my new M-120 has impressed me and done a better job of replacing my John Deer than I expected. This month we have put up over 25,000 bales of hay with it.
Edited 7/25/2003 7:58:50 PM ET by byoung
Welcome to the Fine Hay Baling Forum!
(Kubota makes good equipment!)
hay baling is a side line selling trusses is my main line
Oh, NO! Not another farmer/truss guy! (Boss Hog should be appreciative of some backup!)
I neglected to check your profile...where are you (geographically)?
I got to play on one also. It dug a lot better than I thought it would. LIttle bitty thing took out a big stump in a few minutes.
Tim Mooney
for the size it's not to bad.
Remember last year when Andy E. was asking about what to use for his driveway? He felt that he had to use some skip loader? I mentioned he should consider one of these smaller Kubotas with a front and back blade.
Now that you's guys have experienced just what one of these "toy tractors" can do, I'll bet you agree with me. I think they're awesome.
byoung -
Have you seen the B22 series of Kubotas? Is the backhoe a joke or would it really do some work? I have a small (2 acre) parcel, home, workshop and lots of misc. landscaping work to do. My back keep reminding me I'm not 60 any more so I've been considering hiring a full time mechanized assistant. The B22 is the right size for my needs but is it a real machine or simply a wannabe?
Dennis in Bellevue WA
[email protected]
The guy who lives down the road from me has a 22 series, and he is in the landscape business and he says it dose a great job for him.
Its the BX22. Just a B with number is industrial. [believe it or not ] The BX22 is a real live digger tractor desighned for lanscapers and home owners who have such tasks to accomplish. It is not the tractor in the B series however. To answer you question though, its for real. The B series are really heavy tractors . They look small , but compare their weight to other tractors.
http://www.kazez.com/~will/kubotalinks.html This site has a little of every thing including a discussion . It sure was nice of the guy to provide it.
Tim Mooney
Dennis: gee buddy I didn't know ya needed help with a equipment Queston, anyways check into either the Kabota or a skid steer loader you can do lots with either.. if you lived a tad bit closer I would bring over my Case 580 & AC HD 12 & we would whip that 2 acres into shape in a hurry..