Absorbent media in the walls ??
After taking all reasonable steps to patch a leaking window, I have to conceed that it is going to take on water under certain circumstances. Having a little water in the wall does not bother me.(I accept the mold & mildew risk)
My concern is a ceiling area below the window, which suffers drips of about a cup of water 2 or 3 times a year. I would like to cure the symptom,not the problem- I’m not going to tear out a $4000.00 window.
I figure if I pack the section of the wall below the window with an absorbent, the water will be absorbed, and the natural heat cycles will dry it out, making it ready to recieve water again in a few months. My first choice for this is good old cat litter (absorbent clay)
I’m looking for alternate products, perhaps containing some mold/mildew inhibitors.
Any suggestions?
Have you posted a question on how to fix the leak? I'd be surprised if people agree that dealing with the water once it's already in the house is a good way to go.
Al Mollitor, Sharon MA
Take a picture of the house, the window outside and post them. We'll come up with a way to seal that baby even if the flashing hasn't been done properly. Also, have troubleshooted a couple of leaks that "seemed" to be a window or door but actually entered behind the siding up higher, only penetrating to the inside at the window. Any idea if that could be possible?
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
I can't in my wildest dreams imagine why would would want to put an absorbant material in your walls.
Getting the water OUT of the walls is the objective - Not keeping it there.
Sign outside a country shop: "We buy junk and sell antiques."
The water is coming from somewhere. When you post some pics we might be able to help you keep it out.
I've fixed leaks in peoples ceilings on the first floor that started from the roof 30' away from the ceiling leak.
HAve you tried localizing the leak. Taking a hose and start low and if no water comes in then leep working your way up. Works every time if your patent.
I've made a real lot of money in a real short time fixing leaks that way, where the people weren't patent enough to try and solve the problem themselves.
You could always get a mini dehumidifier to put in the wall...lol
Be leak free
My life is my practice!