Acceptable Moisture level as measured on the interior window sill
I recently had some windows removed and reinserted to address water leakage. After the job was completed it rained, the wind blew, and I measured the moisture level of the indoor window sill, finding it to be about 7%. I contacted the contractor and was told that as long as the moisture level was less than 19% it met code. Is that true/
moisture meter readings are relative measures of electrical conductivity. They don't have a standard that's meaningful.
what does the adjacent framing measure? [head jamb and other studs.]
if it's similar, then no problem.
seems low to me though.
the moisture level for kiln dried lumber should be 8 - 12 %. Some how I think you'll be fine. I have never heard of a code for moisture content.
Moisture readings are usually taken on unfinished lumber. The finish on your window can throw the numbers off. Try measuring several windows on the same side of the house and compare.
Good on you for checking the moisture level. The 19% figure could be accurate, but local codes vary. I'd recommend verifying this with another source to be sure your windows are up to standard.