I know its been touched on before but…
What kind of Accounting Software are you guys using AND does it work for you?
We have been trying Quick Books Online for the past year and its been a bit difficult. Now granted most if it is due to me not being an accountant but the program seems a bit tedious to use and a bit had to learn.
Any other good alternatives or do I just need to buckle down and learn it better?
Is the book I have seen “Quick Books for Contractors” any good or does it even apply to the Online version?
One of the very best things I did early on was to hire an accountant. I use QB Pro. I do my own checks, credit card data input, customer invoices and recievables. Each month the accountant takes an accountants copy, reviews everything, calculates taxes and sends me the info to pay them, reconcile the bank statements.
I am not accounting oriented at all. By using this method my costs stay low (100-150 a month) and my books are good and taxes are paid on time. It also is a big help if I have a question as I have someone to call. Just my 2 cents worth. Hope it helps. DanT
Thanks. Yeah, we have been using an accountant but I was trying to make it a bit easier on them (and more efficent for me) by trying to learn something along the way. Also trying to reduce some of our accounting fees as well since its been slow here.
I decided a while ago I was not going to learn quickbooks. I hired a bookkeeper who I send all my receipts, invoices, statements etc. to. She inputs the data weekly. She has set up reports that I can quickly review to see where we are and life is good. At the end of the year, she copies the file to a disc. I send the file to my accountant. Taxes are done. She also takes care of my payroll. I pay here a monthly fee and she is always there if I need her.
Her company is termed a virtual assistant and she services clients around the country and in some other countries as well. If you would like more info, I can put you in touch with her.
Sure, pass the info along...It can't hurt to find out if she might be what we need?
My email is [email protected]
I forwarded your email to her. She should be in touch with you soon
You might want to get an advisor called a Quickbooks specialist to help you set up your QB the way you want it. To get the reports that you need.
The little known secret is that these QB advisors are the key to getting off on the right foot. I first started with ours about 10 years ago. Maybe more. If I have a question it is usually pretty short. About once every 2 years. She does have a newsletter for info on changes or updates.
A bookeeper like hiker has is useful. But I think that by learning the program you also learn much about P&L statements and how they go together. A better understanding of your business. And QB is really one of the easiest programs to learn. If it is set up correctly.
From the QB site: