Most of the rafters in my shop are 2 x 10s, but those on a small hip roof are 2 x 6’s. They range from 3 to about 9 feet in length. Would it be a bad idea to glue and nail 2×2’s to the bottom of the 2x 6’s to get more depth for insulation? Or is rigid or spray foam the only reasonable option?
You can add depth that way. Your not going to affect the strength of the rafters. If your in a cold area of the country, you can also look into the ?? fiberglass insulation that has the higher r values for a given depth, I think its called dense pac or something. I wouldn't do foam in a shop, its just too expensive for something like that. Are you drywalling the ceiling after, drop ceiling, etc?
Make sure you provide adequate venting for the roof or you'll have moisture problems, mold, etc.