Adjusting blade alignment on table saw

I have a Hitachi C10FL table saw (got it at Lowe’s).
After assembling (which included attaching the legs, fence slides & wings), I found that the blade is ~ 1/8 out of alignment with the miter slots.
Does anyone here know how to adjust this? The manual shows how to make sure the blade lines up with the blade guard, but nothing about adjusting any skew like this.
According to discussion in the forum linked above, this is not an uncommon problem, but one guys says the manual covers it on page sixteen
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Page sixteen shows how to check alignment & says if the alignment is off, "perform adjustment procedure described in the next section".The next section describes how to install the insert plate...There are no instructions on how to align the blade...
There were other criticisms of the manual in that forum also. Did you look at the online pdf version? It could be an updated one....
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I checked & it's the same as the one I have :(Thanks anyway.Googling around, it seems like several people have this problem, but I haven't found any posts about how to fix it.
Might have to return it for replacement or refund then. I couldn't use a saw that can't cut square
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Never know, could be a real time saver if you were to build something like this
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get oughta here!;)
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
Thanks to all who replied.I got this response from Hitachi customer service & thought I'd post it in case someone else having this issue comes across this thread:To adjust the blade to the miter slot, the motor assembly will have to
move to the miter slot. First thing, unplug the tool from it's power
The back panel of the tool has three screws on both side of the housing.
Remove the three screws on both sides. This will give you access to the
inside of the tool. There are four bolts holding the motor assemble to
the bottom of the main table. Loosen these bolts just enough to be able
to move the assembly. Move the assembly and check alignment to miter
slot. When the blade is aligned to the slot tighten the bolts back up
and then re-check the alignment.