Is Advantech appropriate with RFH?? Are there any inherent insulative qualities that would beinappropriate with RFH?
Or, would 3/4″ plywood be a better choice.
I’m re-doing a sunroom, and the RFH is in on top of insulation and the Advantech is cut and ready to screw down, but I just thought of this possible issue, and i’m haveing a bit of a ‘panic attack’!!
Any thoughts are appreciated!
Advantech will be the same as 3/4 ply for your purposes.
Sent info in reply to your email.
All I can say is, man, did you ever screw this one up.
just kidding.<g>
Phew! Ya had me going or a sec!!!
My eyes were wide!!
LOLJake Gulick
[email protected]
CarriageHouse Design
Black Rock, CT