Advice and questions on air sealing attic
Hey everyone, I’m looking for some tips and advice on some recent upgrades I have taken on.
While expanding/remodling the master bedroom I have uncovered a few DIY mistakes made from the last two home owners. Ontop of the DIY bathroom remodel issues, the house has been having issues due to the old aluminum wiring. Although the initial plan was to air seal after the master bedroom closet, the wiring issues have taken a higher priority due to some improperly spliced, grounded, and terminated light switches and a few flickering lights.
I have been sealing up gaps, cracks and sofits as I pull and re-wire but have stumbled upon a misterious opening between two walls. Looks like when they build the second bathroom they left a 1ftx2.5ft gap between walls. I can feel a large draft of cool air from inside the house. I have attached two photos. I have already covered one section with a 1in section of rigid foam and air sealed around the sides. Is this gap needed for anything? Is there any benifit to keep this open? Not sure why this would have been left.
thanks for any info.
Looks like maybe there was a longer tub in there at one point. We consider those spaces to be gold since when we're remodeling bathrooms we take the space back for a larger shower. You could pump it full of blown insulation or use it.
Good Idea. We are planning on upgrading the shower, looks like we will be expanding also. Currently I have capped the opening with the foam. Do you think this will be sufficient to stop the air flow or should I still insulate?