Advice requested for energy conservation options in newer home

I have recently purchased a two story home built in 1998 located near Atlanta. I have removed all the old carpet and padding, so the subfloor is now exposed. The rim joist has not been air sealed. The floor joists are engineered beams about 10 inches tall. The HVAC air handlers with gas heaters are located in the attic (which is not conditioned) and are original to the house. Flex duct has been used for 100% of the ducts and partially runs through the attic.
So…I have LOTS of tasks and a limited budget. What is your advice concerning the priority and sequence of the following:
- air seal the rim joists (along with the other usual suspects)
- Move the air handlers into conditioned space
- replace the flex duct with metal duct
- replace the HVAC units
- Spray foam the underside of the roof decking
Will an energy audit provide this information?
Thanks for your advice!
Conservation-wise, there's no advantage in replacing the flex with rigid, and it may actually cost you. The most important thing is to obsessively seal the joints in the ductwork, and, beyond that, to insulate the ductwork.
The other big thing you can do is change out all the incandescent lighting for fluorescent.
Also, if you change any air handlers, get units with DC motors, vs your standard AC induction units. The DC motors use MUCH less power.
Thanks DanH, I appreciate your feedback!