I saw the recent posts about attic heaters – I have the air handler for a high velocity heat/central air system in the crawl space above the attic – it is in the uninsulated space above the attic that is vented by a ridge vent – the heater is in the basement and hot water is piped up through a chase in the wall [our house was built in 1880] – because the handler is not airtight, it creates a “stack effect” – heated air rises up through the vents and out the ridge vent in the winter – also, having the handler in an unconditioned space makes it work a lot harder in hot and cold weather-
I was considering creating an insulated space around the air handler that would not be vented [while allowing the area on the outside of the space to be vented] would that cause the overheating problem mentioned yesterday?
Most of the air handlers I've seen are basically a square box with inlets and outlets. Could you add insulation just to the exterior of the box? I'm sure there is probably some insulation on the interior, so this would act like a hot water heater blanket.