I have an old floor in my kitchen and I am concerned that one of the layers contains asbestos. I have a 3 year old that spend a lot of time near the ground and would like to make sure I am not exposing him to something bad. Anyway, there are two layers of tile( not real tile but stick on) of some sort and then a maple hardwood floor under all of that. Here is a little photo of what is under the layers. I have heard a lot about asbestos and how everything was made with it in the past. Should I be concerned?
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In older homes like these, the main remodeling goal is often a more welcoming, more social, and more functional kitchen.
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If those are 8"x8" tiles, I can almost guarantee that they contain asbestos. The glue
may also contain it.
The lower layer does look like it could be "vinyl asbestos tile"
But don't panic.
Asbestos is mainly dangerous when it is "friable" - easily broken up by hand pressure or when it is abused. In most cases, covering the asbsetos material over is as appropriate safeguard.
Also, lots of building products have asbestos in them.
Be sure to check out the EPAs pages on asbestos at http://www.epa.gov/asbestos/
Look especially at the 'What to do if you thinks it's in your home' page: which starts out:
"Asbestos in Your Home
"What Should Be Done About Asbestos In The Home?
"If you think asbestos may be in your home, don't panic! Usually the best thing is to LEAVE asbestos material that is in good condition ALONE.
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I wish I could just leave it alone but it has to come up to reveal the maple floor underneath. The top tiles seem to hold together pretty well and don't crumble. What I am really concerned about is the paper layer under the tile. I suppose when I do take it up I will take all the precautions. The brown row is pressboard. Oh well I guess they made it "as best as" they could.
Asbestos is really only a concern when it becomes airborne in small particles which are then inhaled. You may want to hire a specialized contractor to take out the tile to avoid creating friable aspestos during demolition. That's if you're looking to get that wood floor back. Otherwise, it's probably best to leave it.
You should be able to have a piece tested though, just to make sure.
Any input as to where I could have it tested?
Thanks, Rob.
all the above statements are true, but to add another, floor tile contains asbesto of this period. But it does not release asbesto into the air like some other materials. if you could pop the tile up in whole pieces then they can be remove easy. DO NOT GRIND OR SAND THESE TILE.
The best employee you can have but you wouldn't want him as a neighbor " He the shifty type"
I would call your local city or county hazardous waste department - they would definitely know.
Good luck