Attaching a deck rim joist to supporting posts.

I’m looking for some input on attaching a double rim joist to a support post. This is a wrap around deck built over a walk out that’s supporting 10’ mono trusses as well. The post will be sitting on raises poured concrete pads so the posts will stay under 16’. I know there are couple ways to do this, either notching the posts or using carriage bolts to attach. So what’s the best way to do this. Thanks for the input
As long as the posts are at least 6" X 6" you should notch then bolt. Prescriptive code does not allow for notching 4 x 4" posts.
Another option is to notch halfway deep and then add a piece of 2x under the notch.
No, that's not "another
No, that's not "another option." That's called an inspection failure. The prescriptive building code calls for a 6" X 6" post notched for the beam then bolted.
So notching 3” out of the post even tho the post extends 8’ above that that will also carry 10’ mono trusses is acceptable ? To me this would seem to create a hinge point.
You're right, that would not provide adequate support to the top deck. I didn't understand that there were 2 decks hanging on your posts. In that case 8' X 8's or even 10" X 10"s would be called for. If it was my deck I'd want the 10 X 10's. No one has ever been sorry they made their structure too strong.