Attaching new concrete to old: new wall to old footer and old wall

I’m looking for some tips on retrofitting a new concrete wall on top of an old concrete footer and adjacent to an old concrete wall. What’s the best practice for bonding the new concrete wall to the old footer and wall? I’ve seen a couple suggestions online:
– add bonding agents to the new concrete pour
– Drill and epoxy bolts into the footer (extending into the new pour obviously)
– Drill and bolt angle steel onto the existing footer (tie to rebar in new concrete wall?)
Any suggestions? Ripping out the footer isn’t feasible.
One way or another you've got to pin it. Unless you're in earthquake country it ain't going anyway but sideways, but there can be a lot of force moving it sideways.. Of course, you must also make sure that the footing is of sufficient size for the weight of the wall.