I’d sure like to add a ladder (that swings down instead of stands up from the floor) but my best bet requires me to cut two ceiling joists. I certainly don’t want the joist ends springing out the sides of the house, so how can I frame up the area before I cut? My roof is hipped, with the newly severed joists connected to common rafters – these have collar ties on every other one. Can anybody help with this uncertainty?
Sleepless in Seattle.
What size are your ceiling joist? You could make diagonal bracing from the ceiling to the roof rafter(ridge support) before cutting across the joists for the door opening. You will however have to double up on your ceiling joists where you cut your opening.
*Allan, Definitely double up your joists like Pro-Dek suggests and adhesive and screw plywood to them and tops of the surrounding joists before you cut out the opening. Cut out your hole and use joist hangers for the headers.Maybe a lot of adhesive and plywood.
*I double up the uncut joists on the sides as suggested. How about some 2x10's across the tops from the doubled ones and across the cut ones? Or will I be better off with something wider like plywood? I'll put in headers on each side, but am not sure about using joist hangers. Since the joists are trying to pull out, it seems like hangers really won't resist pulling very much. Maybe it doesn't matter once the 2x10's are in place? Comments?
I'd sure like to add a ladder (that swings down instead of stands up from the floor) but my best bet requires me to cut two ceiling joists. I certainly don't want the joist ends springing out the sides of the house, so how can I frame up the area before I cut? My roof is hipped, with the newly severed joists connected to common rafters - these have collar ties on every other one. Can anybody help with this uncertainty?
Sleepless in Seattle.