1-10-’07. I want to say “thanks” to everyone who responded to my request for help with an attic ladder. Thursday, I found an excellent by at Lowe’s. It’s a steel, 300 pound capacity, unit made by Weber Ladder Co. that is designed to be installed by one person. The cost was $124.00 for the 7’3” to 8’4″ model. The longer one is about $25.00 more. Once again, thank you to all.
I have a leaky pull down stair to my attic. Rather than try to make the old one air tight, I thought that I might replace it with a new one. I seem to remember reading a few years ago about a “slide down” rather than a “fold down” ladder that was made of metal instead of wood. Does anyone know about such a ladder? If so where can they be found, are they any good / difficult to install, and about how much do they cost.
Edited 1/7/2007 1:29 pm ET by Ron D
Easier than changing a door.
Kyle, thanks for the information. I went to attic tent and looked at their product. It's a good possibility, but I also need to consider the age and condition of the old unit. I'm no feather weight, so I need something well made.
Personally I think you will have air sealing problems wth any attic ladder you buy unless you get something high dollar. I just apply weather stripping to the less expensive ones. One of my building supply salesmen told me that 95% of the attic stairs that are sold in my area are made by Marwin. I think they have an aluminum model too. There are also covers you put up in the attic to deal with air leaksge.
Matt, thanks for the information. I felt like what you said was probably the case, but wanted to check with someone wit more experience (which is almost anyone who owns a hammer) than I have. I'll check further the name you gave me.
I have a slide down attic stair, but it's wood. Door is a normal 2'6x6'8 one. Don't recall who made it - place in TN? Got it from articel in FH probably 10-12 years ago.
Nice stair - tensioned cable drums for counterbalance
I have installed this and it is a very well built tightly sealed insulated unit.
reinvent- are you someone like me who keeps trying to reinvent the wheel, or are you one of those who gets so very upset with those of us who do?
Thank you for the information the ladder. I've printed the description posted at the web sight you gave. I'll thy to contact them tomorrow.
Thanks again,
Ron D.
By any chance does that girl in all those pics come out and help you install the stairs?
Just currious!
I'm sure she'd be glad to. And if you buy a motorcycle you'll collect girls that look exactly like those on the covers of motorcycle magazines.
Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm but the harm does not interest them. --T.S. Eliot
(One of my wife's favorites was the old Liquid Nails cartridges -- Had picture of a girl in a skimpy western outfit, with a double holster and LN cartridges on each side.)
Half of the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important. They don't mean to do harm but the harm does not interest them. --T.S. Eliot
Had picture of a girl in a skimpy western outfit
Yea, even to me that always seemed a bit odd!