Anyone here used Bagster before and can comment on the service? ( Due to the size of the alley behind my house there is no way to get a dumpster delivered, not to mention that I’d have to tear out my neighbors fence and have it dropped in her backyard. The permits to have a dumpster dropped on the street double the cost of the dumpster, so these soft dumpster bags look like an ideal solution. Especially as they’re picked up with a boom that get over fences. I’m about sure I could kiss up to my neighbor so’s I could put them in her backyard, since they’ll be temporary and it’ll get rid of the eyesore in my backyard…
Just worried that if they’re sold through HomeyD, they’re going to have about the same level of customer service and quality as HomeyD…
I've used them a couple times (actually, around here they're provided by Tubs at but it's the same thing.) It's not the cheapest method of disposal but they worked fine for small projects - just lay it out on the yard and fill it, then call them and have it picked up. Read the instructions on what kinds of debris you can put in them and how much, so you don't overload them.
I'we used em too a couple of times. They work great on lawn! Just don't get the idea you can move it after you fill it!
I haven't used them, but know others who have successfully. They fill a niche need. HD is not the sole source, my local lumber yard has the literature.
Thanks for the feedback all! At least in my area, they're slightly less expensive than many of the roll off services I've called, and because they can lift them over fences and the like, they're much easier to use... Now thanks to weather, I've got 2 tons of wet debris in my yard so maybe I'll wait for it dry out a bit :)Thanks!