I am building a house that will be radiant heated throughout the main floor (2000SF). Every room except the two bedrooms will have a floor covering of 2″ lite weight concrete. My question is as follows; what is the recommended method (s) for installing a shallow subfloor underneath my bamboo flooring. The flooring is 5/8″ in depth so I need to make up some type of sleeper system to being me up to the 2″ finished concrete floor. I’ve heard a few suggestions including just laying 2*4’s flat (planed to 1 3/8″) in between the radiant tubing. I’m sure that there are drawbacks to this method though I’m not thinking of any offhand. Any other ideas? Thanks in advance.
Never done that type of work, so I'll propose some ignorant ideas. If the bedrooms will be deptressed 2 inches from the rest of the rooms, why not just depress them 5/8 inch so the bamboo can be laid directly on the slab? Or depress them the 5/8 plus the diameter of the radiant tubing plus 1/8 and pour the tubing into a topping layer after the main pour, then lay the bamboo directly on the topping? Or depress the bedrooms only 3/4 inch and rip cdx plywood for sleepers.
Do it right, or do it twice.
I have bamboo on a RFH slab and on a 1.5" gypcrete floor. I'm gluing mine with Bostik's Best urethane glue. No sleepers. While I can't say the glue is actually fun, especially two days ago when I slipped a bit and in catching my balance stepped right in a puddle of the glue, there is certainly a great bond be/t the two materials. I'm glad I did it that way. I use fairly low water temps--103 F or so. What do you plan to use?
Sparky -
What sort of floor covering is in the rest of the house where the 2" concrete fill is going? Are you living directly on the concrete or ....?
We poured the concrete over our tubing througout the lower level and I've laid the bamboo flooring directly thereon. Need to bring the heat up slowly and cure the concrete for several weeks, then turn it off while the floor is glued down. Bring the heat up slowly again once done. Be sure to acclimate your flooring for several days or a couple weeks inside the space where it's going before you lay it.
I couldn't find Bostik's Best wood flooring adhesive readily available in my area. I took a chance and used Taylor's wood floor adhesive and it seems to be holding quite well. But if you can find the Bostik product you should probably try to use it since that's what everyone recommends.
Putting down sleepers over the tubing would work but what do you do at the ends of the loops? You'll end up with the possiblity of not having anything to nail to.
Dennis in Bellevue WA
[email protected]
Thanks for the feedback on the flooring dilemma. I hesitate to glue the bamboo planks directly on the concrete because of 'expansion and contraction' issues caused by heat from the radiant flooring. The rest of the floor will have concrete as the finish product.
I have RFH with water temps be/t 103 and 115. No noticeable expansion/contraction in the bamboo. We do a pretty thorough job of controlling relative humidity year round, keeping it in the 35-48% range. I think that helps.