I’m getting ready to install my baseboard. The baseboard is pretty much just 7-1/4″ x 3/4″S4S, either FJP, Doug Fir, or Cherry. My question is, what do I do for the inside and outside corners? Should these be mitered? Is it more common to do butt joints?
Also, does anyone have any pictures of when two different material types meet at the baseboard? I.e. Cherry and FJC (painted)?
Thanks. BTW: Breaktime has been a huge help in my major home remodel!
but the inside corners and miter the outside. if you are changing species of trim on an inside corner I might also miter it there.
"it aint the work I mind,
It's the feeling of falling further behind."
Bozini Latini
Ditto HVtrimguy, but if you're changing species at an inside corner I'd butt them and change the height.
Sort of a ditto....... add: the inside butt join should be coped.
Using the flat boards he's talking about, a butt is a cope.
I cope the inners and miter the outers.
Thanks everyone! Butt the insides and miter the outside corners. I'll post pictures at some point.
BTW: This is an awesome site, so many of you have helped me on making decisions througout this 9 months and counting remodel project! I've also been able to bury a few tools along the way, the latest is the Festool T55 and Jigsaw.... I don't want to ruin any of my doors when I trim the bottoms! The jigsaw is just because I really want one.
Let us know how you like the T55. That's on my short list of tools to get.
I hope you meant "buy a few tools" and not "bury a few tools". Although I can think of a few tools over the years I should have burried, Festools are too nice for that.
I think what I meant was that I was able to buy lots of tools and bury them into the home equity loan! I can't seem to bury the sliding table saw that I want into the equity loan!
Also, does anyone have any pictures of when two different material types meet at the baseboard? I.e. Cherry and FJC (painted)?
I have cherry and paint grade poplar, will that do?
I'd miter the transition, as you will see in the picture.
When I do s4s wood as a base I will for the most part just do butt joints in the corners, I dont like a miter opening up, and they will!