New construction 12×16 master bath with cathedral ceiling. Comprised of a laundry room, toilet room, shower, vanity area.
all rooms have open ceilings to the cathedral ceiling. So, how to vent the thing. Roof vents are out as are wall vents.
can frame in the cathedral peak to run grills leading to a remote in line fan. Roof is a4/12… so shallow.
the question is….would intakes at the ceiling peak efficiently remove odor and moisture.
anybody have any experience with this type vent system
Rooms are framed from floor to ceiling?
Fantec has some nice sealed can light vent combos to be used with their remote inline fans. Vent only trims matche as well.
the total square footage will complicate the figure. If you could frame the shower with a soffit to consolidate the rising steam, it would help. Likewise for the stench, lay an intake behind the tank to intercept the aroma. The laundry could be another source of warmth and moisture, not usually a problem depending on use.
Thanks Calvin....not my deign! This is the obvious solution but homeowner thinks mo ceiling in rooms will create more open feeling. Think I'll frame in the one wall...have them take a look...see what happens. the question of effectiveness of cathedral ceiling fans is still on the table.
sure you can get an efficient fan at the cathedral ridge but you need to have the CFM guide your sizing to know what is efficient.