Cleaning out part of the garage today and realized that I have way too much stuff in it. So here’s a few things I can part with now, their might be more later.
1.-4 boxes of ring shank 8d nails. Paper coilated for paslode framing guns. $15 a box
2.-4 boxes of 16d paper coilated nails for Paslode framer. $15 a box.
3. 1 box of 2″ Bostitch flooring staples 1/2″ crown $25.
4. 2-buckets of 1″ plastic cap nails $20 for both
5. A whole mountain of 1-1/2″ hand drive joist hanger nails
6. 2-25 lb buckets of 2-1/2″ deck screws $25 a bucket
7. PC palm Sander $15
8. Shopsmith Mark V $300
9. quik drive screw gun $75 with the standup attachment
10. Craftsman 6″ bench joiner older model $80
11. Dremel scroll saw $50
12. Hilti Hammer drill 1″ SDS chuck $100 (needs a little work)
13. Mountains of joist hangers
Sorry no shipping, just reply here for contact info. Don’t like the price on something make an offer anything reasonable will be accepted.
Edited 5/28/2007 9:30 am ET by Stilletto
12. Hilti Hammer drill 1" SDS chuck $100 (needs a little work)
Which model Hilti?
I have a TE54 that I am in need of parts (chuck assembly)
Mine needs the chuck assembly as well. Thats the part that needs work.
I wouldn't be selling it but June 8th my tool rep has the Milwaukee Roto/Demo hammer on sale buy one get one free! So instead of getting it fixed Im buying those.
You just got the Shop Smith.
And I haven't touched it since I got it. It has now become a table to hold my empty pop cans.
I really thought it would be nice to have. But the truth is I haven't used it once.
Been there doing that, LOL
Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. G.K Chesterton
I need to really tone down the impulse buys man. The shopsmith was bought with good intentions though.
Impulse buys? You wanna trade that Shop Smith for these Bongo drums sitting behind me?
Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese. G.K Chesterton
>>You wanna trade that Shop Smith for these Bongo drums sitting behind me?
LOL, maybe it's not as bad as I think.