Space under my stairs is dark and in need some some lighting. Door opening and ceiling height is about 5′, just used for storage.
Can I use a standard bulb here or do I need to go with fluorescent? Fluoresecent could be attached directly to ceiling and with no lose of headroom.
I’m slightly concerned that a regular bulb would be in the way, but this is an area that isn’t used frequently.
I know regular bulbs aren’t allowed in closets. But this isn’t really a closet.
Thanks for any knowledge!
If it were me, I'd use an enclosed (bulb under a plastic shield) fluorescent under-cabinet light or two, 'cuz you know it's going to get head-knocked!
There are also some LED under cabinet lights that would work as well since they put out very minimal heat.
Beer was created so carpenters wouldn't rule the world.
The ruling about fluorescents has to do with storage of ignitable stuff, like a clothing closet.
So likely you don't HAVE to use a flourescent.
Unless that's where you store your ammo.