best way to hold up moisture barrier
Does anyone have a easy way to hold up moisture barrier plastic against foundation walls ? I have tried tape ,glue , nails etc. Every time I go to stand the wall up in the basement in front of barrier, it comes down somewhere.
Randy C
I usually staple it to the framing above the foundation.
Al Mollitor, Sharon MA
I just guess I should of stated that alberta building states the moisten barrier has to be level with grade level so moisture can get out of insulation. The problem is how do you hang the plastic 1 or 2 feet below the framing or foundtion ladder?
Randy C
are you putting a moisture barrior over the crawspace dirt? if so that's what I did a few weeks ago in a house that was having musty smell / mold problems. worked great.
I used PL brand polyurathane caulk and ran a double bead around the parameter of the crawspace to stick the plastic to it about 12 inches up the wall. The polyurathane caulk will stick to just about anything, and it really seems to like plastic sheeting.
some of the other guys on breaktime mentioned using tyvec housewrap tape since it was less messy.
If you are covering a dirt floor, don't fasten the plastic to the sill plate, or any other wooden surface for that matter. the moister will travel up behind the plastic and cause rot.
there was a discussion on "installing a plastic vapor barrior" about a week ago here that may help you if you can find it.
The question was; "how do you hang or hold up moisture barrier.
If it was being applied to the floor he would't be asking how to hang it
didn't understand what you were doing. disregard my useless info.
I'd use Lepage's Acousti-Seal. It's used to seal vapour barrier to itself and building materials. It's not a glue, however, and it doesn't dry out, so be wary of the mess it can make.
Tim Ruttan
thanks for the tip sometimes simple ideas are overlooked.
Thanks again
Randy C
Acoustic sealant is what we use in NB.