Brush integrated bottle recommendations?
Looking for a recommendation for a bottle with an integrated brush to hold primer to field prime cut ends of siding. Heck, it’d also be nice to hold watered down glue to seal MDF edges. Basically I’m looking for something like the cans that hold PVC cement (or for the real old timers, the paste glue we used in school only with a brush). I’ve found a few on the interweb that might work, but anyone have direct experience with something like this?
Contact Versatex, I think they had something like that for their trimboards.
Or it might have been Windsorone, the primed exterior wood trim people.
Or even Fastcap, they have a slew of useful items
Cottage cheese container with a slit in the top and a chip brush. We've used them for years.
Here, click on this chopped up pick.
Just made a couple with peanut butter jars and cheap 1.5" sash brushes a few months ago. They work great! The lid can get a little difficult to unscrew if they sit for a while, but I havent had one totally stuck yet. I sealed one of the brushes into the lid with lexel, because I had an open tube on me. The second was just hot glue, I'll have to see how well it holds up. Not hard to add more though :P
A plastic jar that will take a Mason jar lid works well. Replace the inner lid with a piece of plastic. The band is easy to remove, as you are not trying to turn the lid. If the lid gets stuck, can use a knife to release.
That's a great idea. When my primer finally glues mine shut, I'm going to do that :D
I use wonton soup containers with a slit in the lid.
I can picture something like that upside down in my vehicle. I'm far too clumsy to not have a screw on lid :p