Building a brick vent or window well
Anyone out there that can help me in the proper construction of building a brick window well or vent well. I have looked in all the building books and can’t seem to find one bit of information on the subject. I see many brick vent wells that pulled away from the brick wall of the house. Some of my questions are:
1-Building the well after the construction of the house do you pour a footing before the bricks are layed? should the footing cover the inside opening of the well?
2-Do you drill a hole or holes in the existing house wall and use rebar from the drilled hole and put the rebar into a layer of bricks in the new vent well?
3-If you don’t use rebar how do you prevent the well from pulling away from the house if there is settling in the well?
4-Do you put gravel in the bottom for water blowen into the well to escape?
5-Are there any good books out there that show in detail how the right way to construct such a vent well?