Can I remove paint and leave raw wood for a while before painting??

I bought a cool infrared paint stripping tool (the Cobra) and I’m eager to use it to remove paint but I’m not ready to repaint yet. Do I need to be ready to paint or prime the surfaces? Is there a range of time within which you would want to prime and paint? What would the answer be for interior surfaces and exterior? Mostly I’m thinking of interior at the moment but I have exterior prep work to do also on the shingles (this is in Connecticut so it’s winter). A couple pics are attached of both.
Kinda depends on the indoor humidity, but indoor probably ok for a week but I would prime raw wood if it was going to be longer than a couple of days. Otherwise you would have additional sanding to do.
Inside yes but outside I'd get it primed right away.
Yeah.. needs to be treated asap