can see where ceiling joist in drywall in only five of eight rooms

The house was constructed last year during spring and early summer. now in these room some on first level some on sevond level i can sit in middle of room and see every floor joist. its not the taped joints i can see several of those. my builder brought in a so called specialist who said this was caused from nail pops and he would come back in spring fixed nail pops and it would not let me see where joist are any more. what could cause this. would’t nail pops cause the drywall to loosen, not to show joist?
Since we can't see what you are seeing its a little difficult to know. Need more details on what you are seeing or pictures.
there are no brown marks where joist showing.
maybe on candle a couple hours a day
no more than five nail pops in a room with this.
this picture is in kitchen some roof above it, plus a room. dinning room and family room have floors above it.
upstair two roomsndoing it.
insulation meets energy star requirements as i got a energy star certificate for the house.
ceiling is no more than a quarter of inch off put level on it.
Thank you!
That's a much needed explanation aid which prompts a couple more questions.
What is the spacing of those pronounced lines on the ceiling?
Are these a continuous bump down into the room?
If you take a straight edge and go across these lines, is there a gap between the straightedge and the drywall ?
How much of a gap?
And the nail / screw pops are on these lines? How close together on a particular joist?
From the picture, looks like a taped (poorly) joint. Could they have mudded those screws with a contiuous run of compound?
If kept having trouble with screws driven too deep and rescrewing, I suppose that mud could have been built up that thick and not feathered out.
they are every 16 inches.
no bumps even tryied to clean ceil on a spot and nothing changed.
the spots are actually pretty smooth
not tape lines i can see those in spots and they run the opposit way.
Yes, long edge tape lines would run opposite to the joists. Butt joints would run with the joists, but only be 48 or 54" long as that's the widths avaiable in drywall (48 being common).
No humps? Indeed this is deceiving.
Can you take some more shots including holding up a straight edge ?
And maybe some closeups of those lines?
With plenty of light.
This is one you sure could use a site visit to run through the investigation. If course, this assumes that we'd find something different than the builder. Is there any reason you should suspect he's bs-ing you in this?
Yeah, those look like tape joints. (If you put a straight-edge across one, I presume it sticks out from the "flat" ever so slightly -- a sixteenth or an eighth inch.)
As Calvin says, not clear why they would occur on every joist, unless the rocker was having trouble setting his screws right.
Probably not a lot that can be done about it, other than to change the lighting (like turning up the radio in your car). Reworking it all (possibly by skim-coating much of the ceiling) would be a fairly big mess, with no real guarantees of improvement. The other option, of course, is to texture the ceiling -- also a mess (though maybe a little faster), and likely not the "look" you want.
not tape it runs opposit directions the builder even admitted it was the joist i am seeing. the ceiling is smoth.
Are you seeing small round bumps? (Nail pops)
Or are you seeing faint dark lines?
faint dark lines?
same here, like a joist halo-
Moisture in the room condensing on the ceiling where solid framing is under insulated. Direct cold transfer.
OR, a boatload of candles do it also.
We're assuming a one story or upstairs bedrooms.
It'll be interesting to see if he answers all these pertinent questions or posts a photo.
ghosting usually takes a few years to show joist lines.
that many nail pops would suggest something drastically wrong with the way this was built, such as green lumber to alow that much shrinking, or a very inexperienced sheetrock hanger
and how many times have we heard the old, "Just some nail pops, we'lll come back later and deal with that"?
lack of response
to me seems odd.
You have a question, most would want an answer-me? I'm impatient and want an answer soon, or at least sooner than later.
Some of these folks react like the computer is at the library and the hours don't jive with theirs.
Perhaps they think this is like instant messaging................
At any rate, the description isn't quite up there in the details dept.
Fer cryin' out loud, Cal, it's only been 14 hours. Maybe the guy has better things to do that check in here hourly.
my apologies
I guess everybody doesn't walk by the computer and nudge the mouse to see what's up.............
Sounds a bit suspect to me too. Nail pops would just show the nails. You're either seeing "ghosting" due to moisture or soot/dust buildup, or you're seeing sagging.
Do you have a fireplace that you run a lot, or do you burn a lot of candles? Where do you live (what climate)?
live in va.
gas fireplace on first level vented outside.
That's one answer.
Is there any way you could review the whole thread and respond to the others?
Know ledgeable people would like to help, but need your interaction.
That's one answer.
Is there any way you could review the whole thread and respond to the others?
Know ledgeable people would like to help, but need your interaction.
I'm betting that the taper filled the nail/screw spots by smearing on a long swipe of mud the entire extent of his reach. This is a very common, and practical, practice. He may have put a bit too much on... didn't sand the edges, or feather it out. Anyway, the mud changes the texture of the paintable surface. This will telegraph through thus creating stripes on every joist (and stud).
A cure would be to either spray texture on every surface or smooth coat everything. Possibly painting with a heavy nap roller will mask the lines.