What products are used as a capillary break between the top of the footing and foundation wall
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Flashing is my usual choice. Of course it serves other functions as well.
I've never put a capillary break here.
If the joint is below ground it seems pointless to insert a capillary break.
I misread that before my earlier reply. Like others have pointed out there is no such thing as a capillary break between the footing and wall. As far as I ever heard anyway. Top of wall, different story.
Here we go again with the old "since I don't know about it, there is no such thing" talk.
You might want to read Joe Lstiburek's book "Builder's Guide to Structural Insulated Panels for All Climates". If you're only into pictures you can reference pg.135-6 to find the location of a this dampproofing or membrane element in his Design subchapter titled: Capillary Break Over Footing. Read the chapter to find out why it is a good idea; particularly when foundation walls are finished or insulated.
general discussion
tractorsteve wrote:
What products are used as a capillary break between the top of the footing and foundation wall
[/quote Let me explain my original question. I am reseaching sealed crawl spaces and some suggest running 10 mil poly under the footing and up the out side to keep moisture out of the stem wall and crawl space. Other sites ( buildingscience.com) for one suggest using a capillary break between the footing and the stem wall to keep moisture out of the stem wall. My question is what product would work, rebar will be sticking up out of the footing and difficult to seal around. I have been in construction over 30 years and have never built a sealed crawl space before or used a vapor retarder over or under the footing. I'm trying to decide if this is needed and worth having my concrete guy think I'm crazy .
It's not difficult to achieve
The idea is to simply create a capillary break, not create a hermetic seal between the footing and foundation wall. Having rebar poke through your polyethelyne sheeting as you let it drap down over your footing creates a capillary break just fine. Look at Joe's pictures on those pages I mentioned to quickly understand your goal and how easy it is to achieve; particluarly if your utilizes course gravel (considered another capillary break material) around your drain tile and under slab.
If you want a superior capillary break membrane rather than poly, you can use the same paint on waterproofing sealers tile installers use in showers (like one by Mapeii) or even thinset Schluter Kerdi memberane down to your (relatively smooth troweled) footing. Your concrete sub will probably think you're even crazier for using the latter (and it will cost you considerably more), but it works particulary well if you want to continue something like Kerdi up the exterior foundation wall for a superior waterproofing memberane application.