I’ve got a good contract written up by a local atty who specializes in construction and is in fact a licensed builder and broker himself.
However, I did not get his assistance with a change order form, and wondered if some of you might be willing to share the one that you use with your clients.
Thanks in advance – I’m working on a kitchen estimate and this looks like a job where I’m gonna want to have some with me at all times if needed.
Our change order is our proposal.
Its the same legal verbage all printed on the back of a carbon copy...all eight pages. The front is basically just lines and allows us to write out exactly how the change order is agreed upon.
We could use this as our main proposal/contract but we prefer to have the writing easier to read.
Bob's next test date: 12/10/07
Does your original document make any mention of change orders and how they will be handled?
Honestly, I have rarely had a change order needing a 'form' because my work now is primarily cost plus. I communicate close with clients via eail for documentation as things progress.
And in previous times, proposals were written as firm contract amounts with defined scope of work, but contained language stipulating that additioanl at ( such and such rates - essentially cost plus)
That was mostly on re-roofs when extent of rot or other structural damage could not be assessed until demo phase.
The few times I have need 'forms' I treated it as a separate contract, executing a 'proposal' which became a contract upon signature acceptance by the HO or agent for owner.
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I quit using change order forms and have changed to "Additional Work Authorization" forms. It is much more descriptive of what the form is supposed to do.
Constructing in metric...
every inch of the way.
That's a good point...Change order - though used for years - is not nearly as descriptive as your suggestion.Less likely to have misunderstandings.JT