My construction manager and I designed and built this for a friend. Actually I designed and he built.
What is right term?
For lack of a better term, or perhaps not wanting to call it the wrong thing, I just call it a shade structure.
looks to me like a pergola
Yup, pergola.
Very nice work. Are they going to grow anything on it or leave it as is?
The primary purpose for the build s to shade the rear windows from south and west sun exposure in Texas.
If they grow somthing on it...their choice and fine with me.
It is a pergolaWhat I want to know wis what did you tell the owners first?
"We're going to build you a shade thingie"
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"How about a "shade structure" to solve your solar gain problem?"
I have called them shade structure(s) although "thingy" could be used.
Just yanking your chain;)
Welcome to the Taunton University of Knowledge FHB Campus at Breaktime. where ... Excellence is its own reward!
In composition of future contracts, is "thingie" with and "ie" correct or is "y" OK?
I have heard them called a shade trellis and shade arbor, but I played it safe with structure.
As you may imagine, they are a popular item here in South Texas.
We pre-stained (optional) everything with a cedar color tinted transparent stain, otherwise they turn gray in a short time.