Our bungalow has a small bathroom – 3 ft from the tub to the wall, with 9′ ceilings. Would dropping the ceiling to 8′ or 7’6″ make this tall, narrow space look roomier? The walls are now close to Crest toothpaste green. Would a sunnier color help?
Thanks for any opinions rendered!
Dropping the ceiling is some work. I'd try other tricks before resorting to that. One would be to paint the ceiling color down onto the wall perhaps 12 to 16 inches. You could even run a band of trim around the room at that level. The band should match the other trim in the room, definitely not be colonial nor ornate.
Color is a matter of personal taste, of course, but Crest toothpaste green wouldn't do it for me. For green, my taste runs toward a more golden, olivy green. If your bathroom is of the Craftsman period the fixtures are white and the trim is painted white, and you may even have white wainscoting. Craftsman homes used earth tones and tones from nature, such as green, straw, clay red. Pure colors like sunny yellow or blue were uncommon. Having said that, though, if you want a more cheery color, then tan, maybe even a yellowy tan, might be nice.
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Some small bathrooms with tall ceilings have that "elevator-shaft" feel. The lower ceiling can really help the feel and allow easy ducting of a fan, easier rewiring/lighting etc. Those items can offset the additional cost of the new ceiling.