Hello all–since chalk boxes seem to be the topic of the day I would like to share a trick I have for tight fine lines–
Works great for me laying out lines for crown,cabinets–My tile guy hooked on to this one also
Pull the factory line and keep it for a dry line and respool with 50 lbs. catfish line.
Leaves a nice line but the down side is that the woven line doesn’t carry a ton of chalk so roofer won’t use this one cause you can only get one or two lines out of it before it needs to be rewound.
Another bonus is that the line won’t break where it is tied to the hook which Brownbagg might like.
Well there you have it–hope it works for you. Mike
Adam Savage—Mythbusters
And another bonus is that it shouldn't leave a dusting of chaulk all over the floor I bet. I did a line to cut into a wall the other day and picked up the red box because I was too lazy to go to the truck. Wound it out and had red tracks all over.
Yeah I can see them now---lines everwhere--usually across my jeans--I use blue for crown and cabinets-Guess it covers easier with the paintred for wall layout or deck, outside stuffand when I really screw up Yellow--Wanna make some other carps happy--pick you up a spool of the stuff and do your own and about a dozen others for 12 bucks.Longest line I ever snapped was 35 feet so that is what I have in my box--leaves more room for chalk--" I reject your reality and substitute my own"
Adam Savage---Mythbusters
What exactly is "catfish line" ?
What exactly is "catfish line" ?sorry I guess everyone doesn't live in catfish territory---It is a thicker woven line unlike reg. fish line. it has amazing ability to resist stretch and abrasion--Cat fishing involves dropping bottom hook on a line and let it sit all night--the catfish go after the bottom bate get hooked and can fight a long time to get off--Which is why the line is so tough. comes in 35 and 50 lb test .Doesn't have the fuzz of reg chalk box line so it leaves a tight line but doesn't carry a ton of chalk.Mike" I reject your reality and substitute my own"
Adam Savage---Mythbusters
It's dacron. Woven into a tube and pressed flat with a little iron?
I used to have a big Shimano with a zillion yards of it. I don't know where you'd buy it if you don't live along the coast. Or catfish.
Joe H
Re:"I don't know where you'd buy it if you don't live along the coast. Or catfish."Sounds like you have found a way of making a trip to Florida in the middle of winter a business expense. Lots of fishing. Year round. Might take some digging around to find the right 'catfish line'. Might have to travel round a bit. Better allocate at least two weeks to make sure you see a representative sample of all the makes of line in Florida so you can get the right one. Would be unprofessional to get the wrong stuff. Getting the wrong stuff, or accidentally leaving it behind in a hotel room, could force you to make a return trip. Possibly be best to pencil in a full month. Just in case. The burdens borne by a carpenter have no end.
You can also buy a pre-packaged version of braided nylon line, which comes with superfine chalk that's supposed to stick to the line better. I haven't upgraded yet but it's on my list....
The catfish line holds chalk well and snaps a nice line...just can't get more than two snaps out of it before you have to wind and reload....fine for cabinets and such just would be a bummer for roofs--but how tight of a line do you need for shingles....drop me a line and I'll mail ya some---
" I reject your reality and substitute my own"
Adam Savage---Mythbusters
That sounds like a great trick - I'll be looking for the line. BTW (as you probably already know) white chalk is good in some situations.
Never tried white--Got blue, red and yellow--I hope I don't mess lay out so bad I need four colors--Where do you use White?Check some bigger bait shops and go for the 50lb test--I did find my spool and it is a woven nylon--Black in color and round in cross section.Hope it works for you too, Mike" I reject your reality and substitute my own"
Adam Savage---Mythbusters
Use white on dark settings ( i.e. blue painted wall) or where you are really worried about the chalk line not remaining ( the white supposedly is not permanent at all/ will not stain, the blue may leave a stain).
I think CAG said he uses the white when snapping lines on a finished deck.
That is a great idea--I have put the edge screws in and left them proud a thread or two and wind a dry line back and forth to give me a referance line to make straight screw lines but now I am going to give the white line a try if you say it washes away and won't mark the cedar,Thanks to you and CAG for the tip---As Red Green would say" I'm pulling for you, we're all in this together"Mike" I reject your reality and substitute my own"
Adam Savage---Mythbusters
Funny, I thought I had replied to you but I guess it didn't post. I'll look for some braided line around here, there's a bait shop down the street that might have it. Thanks for the offer though.
I think the braided line that he is talking about is also the line that landscape construction contractors use when they stake out for stone walls, etc. You should be able to find it at any hardware store.
Dday--I know the line you are talking about and this is much finer and a tighter weave versus spun.It is a nylon line and has a nice firm feel while still stretdhing to get that straight line.I mailed some out to Shoeman and I may hear back from him on how he likes it.I got mine at a bait shop in Northern MN. -I sure it is around town somewhere but at 150' a spool I don't think I'll run out any time soon--unless I keep mailing it out... ;-)MIke" I reject your reality and substitute my own"
Adam Savage---Mythbusters
I first came across the type of line you are refering to whilst working with one of Mike Smiths guys in 2001. He was to get me some but couldn't find his spool. I've since tried here ( Australia ) and found what I thought was the right type ( a woven line that is used for trout fishing, I think it floats?) but it was as good as useless.
If you are able to get me a brand name and any other details so I can buy it online ( no pun intended ) I'd be gratefull
Here's a Google search that turned up three commercial sources on the first page. I didn't check to see if any of them will ship to Oz.http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22braided+nylon%22+catfish+50
i have always hated winding chalk lines. i have a geared one but im still to lazy to stand there and wind and wind and wind. i found these and its fantastic. someone finaly made a retractable chalk line. puts a pencil width line down, dosent leave chalk everywhere. the line has broken on me a couple of times. wears into the metal hook. it also has a pin so you can stick it into things to hold it.
heres the link.
Urban Workshop Ltd
Vancouver B.C.
cheers. Ill buy.