Hi Everyone,
I’m looking to buy 4x Clam Clamps but am finding it difficult to track some down.
They are not available in OZ so my only option is to buy them in the US and have them sent over.
I’ve heard rumours that they are no longer being made.
If any one can put me onto a shop that has stock i’d be really grateful.
Here you go
This should give you all the help you need in finding the clamps.
clam clamps
Hi Calvin,
thanks for the reply.I tried to ring the company but according to the operater there is no listing for that Company in Holden,Maine.
There is no email address either.
I could not try the 1800 from Australia but I get the impression they are no longer in business.
If you have any other information or make contact on the 1800 numbers listed let me know.
I've also tried contacting quite a few of the listed dealers but none of them have had any stock for some time.
2 minds run in the same ditch
I too just gave him a call. He's going to get on this forum, find your email (or use the private message feature) and see what he can do to get you set up.
Best of luck!
As lame as this place is supposed to be
it's pretty rewarding to know that in some situations it can still come through.
Nicely done!
Thanks for all the replies.
It's good to know Jim is still in business.
I've managed to find a dealer who has stock and is willing to post to Australia.
If you have any problem I believe my tool store here in NY on Long Island has them.
Ace Tools (516) 783-8899
Edit: Yep, they do http://www.acetoolonline.com/SearchResults.asp?Search=clamps
Seventy-five buck a throw, and you need four. Ow!!
[But I see that they're listed as "Back Order"]
yeh...I know. Lotta small tools like that where you need more'n one.
I've gone back'n forth as to whether I could get away with 2 instead of 4 and end up with none...lol.
Then there's the "kit" thing...like the Kreg jig...can I get away with just the main one for about fifty bucks less or so or do I need the whole kit? I end up with none...lol.
Can I get away with the Roto-Zip instead of the Multimaster? Well I have so far so...
Decisions, decisions...hahahaha
Wait a minute...I really want the
Festool KAPEX KS 120 EB Sliding Compound Miter Saw
Item No. 561287
CPO Price:
OK OK..my ol' DW SCMS will have to do...ugh