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There is no generic 2-ft. rule. Use the code tables to dial in joist spans and overhangs based on accurate engineering.
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
how about something that looks like
PS "heve"? you sure you want to be an editer?
PPS Andy warned you didn't he? He's probaly ROFLHAO
bobl Volo Non Voleo Joe's cheat sheet
Hey now, give me a chance bobl. I'm not worried about what it would look like. In fact that's out of my hands, I'm no techie.
I'm just looking for some ammunition to use to get this thing done for you guy. I think I just read that this request has been around for a while, which means I'll probably need some help getting it done.
Just like we have house rules, a classified board will warrant it's own code of conduct. What might that consist of?
Have you used the classifieds at Knots? Does it work well?
Help me out, I'm the new guy!
"I stand by all the mis-statements that I've made."
Edited 10/4/2002 3:41:59 PM ET by Brian P
Help me out, I'm the new guy!
Brian, could you fetch me a bucket of steam?
Sorry, couldn't resist. Andy Engel, The Former Accidental Moderator
'...done for you guy.' Na, I ain't even gonna go there:o)Half of good living is staying out of bad situations.
Forget the primal scream, just Roar!
Don't need it, don't want it, don't think about it.
Phill Giles
The Unionville Woodwright
Unionville, Ontario
no commercial sales
bobl Volo Non Voleo Joe's cheat sheet
Second the no commercial sales, or mr/mrs home business selling junk tools (like half the stuff you see on ebay). Dont know how you would do this though. What are the 'house rules' over at Knots?
Good question.
I plan on talking to the guys at Woodworking on Monday to find out about that, and how it has worked out for them.
I'll let you know.
"I stand by all the mis-statements that I've made."
I need a bandsaw and a Viel profile cutting machine for my williams and Hussey Molder/ planer.
I have two new under the kick of a cabinet heaters. You connect them to your baseboard heater copper lines and it has a blower. Pretty powerful units if you need more heat in a bathroom or kitchen area.
I have a 3 ton new AC condenser unit I nerver used.( I had it running for maybe two hours) It wasnt strong enough to do my first floor so I got a 5 ton unit.
I have about 6 pair of rusty pump jacks in perfect condtion...lol....no kidding!
It's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Who'da thunk?
Perfect rust!.
Excellence is its own reward!
Brian - I've used the classifieds over at Knots and had good fortune. I listed a tool and sold it for the asking price within a couple days. I used to puruse the "for sale" items regularly but got out of the habit somehow.
If we have a new folder, I'd like to see it divided into at least two sections - "For Sale" and "Wanted". But I am thinking just of tools and materials here. Maybe there could be a designated place for those businesses to post that everyone seems worried about; that would keep them out of the personal section...maybe?
There should be a way for the original poster to delete the ad once the item is sold. That might help keep clutter to a minimum without making your job that of a full time classifieds organizer.
There should be strict rules stated and enforced about commercial exploitation of that section of the board. Violate once, you get a nasty warning. Violate twice and you get banned.
Welcome aboard.
Brinkmann for president in '04
"I have about 6 pair of rusty pump jacks in perfect condtion...lol....no kidding!"
How much you want for those pump jacks, Andy? I love those things.
Brinkmann for president in '04
Give me a couple of hours work helping me move my tools into my new /old house and theyre yours. I'll even supply lunch/dinner and a nice bed for you to sleep in. We could go do NYC....you and your wife and me and mine. A weekend or something. If you happen to want to be in NY the first week in November. Otherwise just pay the shipping and theyre yours for free. Probably not worth it. Those things are kinda heavy but they're sitting against a wall in my basement. I bought a few pair of those new aluminum jobbies, poles and all...they rock major!
Be well bro
AndyIt's not who's right, it's who's left ~ http://CLIFFORDRENOVATIONS.COM
Here at work, we have a policy where the ads are removed from the board after 30 days. This could work here as well.
Did ya notice the new folder that Brian made? The one that says Reader Classifieds? Andy Engel, The Former Accidental Moderator
over at Knots?bobl Volo Non Voleo Joe's cheat sheet
This one?
Excellence is its own reward!
Is the rust original? That's what the used car salesman told me about the rust on the car I bought off him.
Don't know why it wouldn't be worth a shot. It's worked in Knots for quite some time. You could always yank it if it's abused.
Guess we could whine endlessly that it ain't fair that they get a classified thingy and we don't. Is that the kind of "Ammunition" you're looking for?......................(-:
AOL? Isn't that "Association of Online Losers"? [Robert Harley]