Cleaning stain or mold off plywood – what’s best?

I had a roof leak a year or more ago. It was a result of bad flashing at the chimney pentration. The leak was fixed. However, I was in the attic the other day and noticed the underside of the roof sheathing (plywood) at the old leak area has some black staining where the plywood got wet from the leak.
It’s been over a year since the leak was fixed and the stain is not going away on it’s own. I wan to clean it, and monitor it in case there is still a leak.
Should I use a water-bleach mix or is there something else better to use?
I’m hoping I can remove all traces of the black stain and then just check this spot every so often for wetness or new stains.
Use either Concrobium or Boaracare if it bothers you but as long as there is no moisture the mold won't grow.
how was this repair taken care of?
if black goop was used I'd assume the leak was not stopped.
Calvin, the repair was made by replacing the falshing around the chimney. I had a professional roofing company make the repair. Some shingles were pulled up, new flashing installed, and shingles replaced. I have not been in the roof during a rain storm to look for leaks, but when I was up there just prior to starting this thread, I could not feel/see any moisture on the bottom side of the roof sheathing. However, I assume that if I celan the "black" off, I could check periodiaclly to see if it it returns (which would tell me that it is getting wet).
I really doubt that it's mold you see. All wet roof plywood I've ever seen turns black and stays black forever. If if it was mold residue it is inert unless it gets wet again. You'll probably create more problems than you'll solve trying to clean it.
Good to know. Thanks.
Algae cleaning solution's
Hey guys, so I stumbled upon a solution to the problem. It is solution that can be created with the basic home cleaning supplies. 1/3 rds clorine, and 2/3 waters. Run it down and it should clean up nicely in a week or so.
All spam links removed
And how exactly would algae grow inside an attic? Do you think he has grow lights up there?
Yet another spam'd ad.
At least he's up front with it.
Thinking more about this. Maybe I should by a moisture meter then I can probe the black spots and see if any moisture is present. Probably best to do just after a heavy rain storm.
But before I worry about that black stain - I have a new project.
While I was walking across the attic, going from joist to joist among the blown insualtion, I mis-stepped and fell partially through the ceiling. Now I have a hole in the ceiling (fortuantely it's in the garage) to repair. I've lived in this house for 20 years and have made the trek from one side of the attic to the other, like a hundred times, so I guess I was due for a mishap.
I long ago build an elevated path in our attic. When the guys were blowing in more insulation they loved it.
Same issue
Had the same issue, called <a href="">Charlotte Pro Roofing</a> and they recommended to use chlorella and water.
Charlotteproroofing ..........
spam or scam artist?
And they were so great you decided to adopt their name as yours?
(And how is spraying your attic with algae supposed to fight off mold?)
You are supposed to drink it, not spray it. New age nonsense.